Monday, December 9, 2013

Who is 'Dr. Seuss' - Lindsay Crook

Theodor Seuss Geisel was born on March 2nd, 1904 in the town of Springfield, Massachusetts. Throughout his life, Theodor Seuss Geisel wrote over 60 children's books , with the likes of Green Eggs and Ham , The Cat in The Hat and the recently popular movie, The Lorax, just to name a few. These books were and still are a huge part of children's learning in the early years of school. He began writing cartoons at a very young age and his drawing was outstanding. As he graduated from Dartmouth College, he attend Lincoln College for a brief time, before returning to Springfield. After years of drawing and writing, he finally had one of his cartoons posted in The Saturday Evening Post. From this cartoon, he earned $25, which he then used to make a move to New York to pursue his love of cartoon drawing and writing. After bouncing around at various jobs over the next decade, Geisel found himself writing cartoons during World War II for the Popular Front Newspaper. As he was not an advocate for war and was too old to be enlisted, he still wanted to find a way to help out any way he could. This then led him to talking a job in the Army making educational movies for the war effort. These cartoon style movies were designed for training purposes for U.S. soldiers, which many disagreed to. Many of his books that he wrote after the war contained hidden messages on his personal views on everything from war to the government but at the end of the day, Geisel simply wrote books for children to help them learn how to read and understand writing. Sadly in 1991, Geisel passed away from throat cancer, but still to this day, his books have a large and profound impact on children and hopefully this will continue.

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