Monday, December 9, 2013

A Symbolic View of How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Austin Cox

I think we all know the story of the Grinch quite well, and for those who don't, here it is in a nutshell. The Grinch in the beginning is an evil man who lives on a mountain outside of Whoville. His master plan is to steal all of the Christmas gifts from under the trees of each household in Whoville the night before Christmas, so the Whos down in Whoville wake up to a presentless Christmas. The Grinch does this successfully with his pet dog then realizes it was wrong. Thus, he returns all of the gifts to their rightful owners and has a feast with the Whos.

Now, if we compare this to the modern political sphere, I think we can draw some surprising comparisons. The Grinch can be viewed as the Federal Reserve, and the Whos down in Whoville represent the American people in America. The gifts under the Christmas trees represent the fruits of the labor of the American people. Lastly, the acquaintance to the Grinch (the dog) is somewhat like the federal government. The Grinch is taking away from the citizens of Whoville similar to how the Federal Reserve steals from the American people through inflation meaning they devalue the earnings, savings, and investments of the American people. The federal government abets the Federal Reserve through not abolishing its very existence. Once the Federal Reserve is abolished, the fruits of the labor of the American people may be rightfully returned to them because there will no longer be a central banking system that artificially alters interest rates and prints money out of thin air. The American people will then flourish once the fruits of their labor are returned to them just like the presents of the Whos in Whoville.

-Austin Cox

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