Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Comparing Series Finale: Heroes

The show Heroes is a drama that examines what happens when otherwise ordinary people find out they have superpowers. All strangers at first, it is slowly revealed they they are all connected somehow as a greater conspiracy unfolds as well as a global danger of a nuclear bomb that they seem predestined to stop. As the mysteries of who they are and the dangers they face as individuals and a group unfold, they band together, one at a time, to save the world and possibly each other.
The show definitely doesn't come close to Breaking Bad in ways of violence, story, and hype. But the show had a very popular and controversial ending. The disappointing second and third Season of the show was going to be tricky for the series finale. The other seasons were followed by disappointment from the die hard fans. Fortunately, Season 4 is a fitting end to the series with a well-rounded plot, decent pacing and good acting from the majority of the cast. The Heroes series finale wasn't bad, it wasn't spectacularly good either, but the last few minutes were perfect. It needed to end with something major beyond taking down Samuel, and having Claire jump to her presumed death, to the media's eyes only, only to pop that arm back in the socket one more time was the best way they could have ended the series. It didn't end on a massive cliffhanger but it could set up something very intriguing, but could they deliver on that? The show did not perform as well as Breaking Bad but did have a similar fan base and following. The two shows had such a big cult following but the hype and anticipation went to Breaking Bad.
An expert review can be found from the website know as IGN here.
The series also had side stories and spin offs in the form of graphic novels. Some say these were more popular then the show itself. I own a few and it does challenge the show a little bit. For example it does goes more in depth of the story and covers a few plot holes. Some examples are shown.

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