Monday, October 14, 2013

Breaking Bad: The Greatest Ever?

The Breaking Bad finale was great. It’s almost impossible to deny. The show, in its entirety, is considered one of the best of all time. Is it possible that it is the best of all time? The website IMBD allows site visitors to rate every episode of every TV show. How did Breaking Bad fare? Business Insider constructed charts of notable great TV shows (West Wing, The Sopranos, The Simpsons, and The Wire) and their respective average IMBD episode rating and Breaking Bad was the only show whose rating improved as each season progressed. The first season hovered above an 8.5 rating and grew to just below 9.5 in the fifth and final season, a point no other show’s average had reached. The series finale, “Felina,” scored a 9.9 out of 10, nearly perfect, on IMBD (visit: Having seen great TV shows like Lost, West Wing, and The Sopranos, I rank Breaking Bad the greatest of all time. Here are the charts from Business Insider:
Breaking Bad further solidified it's spot, in my mind, as the greatest show ever with a perfect finally. All loose ends were tied up and I was thoroughly impressed.

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