Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lindsay Crook's Critique of 'Hopeless Wanderer' Music Video

Mumford and Sons, an english folk band coming out of Western England, which originated in 2007, based their name on the lead vocalist/guitarists name, Marcus Mumford. In their career, they have released a total of four albums and their most recent album 'Babel' has risen around the world whilst knocking over records and milestones along the way. I'm not the biggest advocate for 'Mumford and Sons' nor am I the folk music type, but the music video, "Hopeless Wanderer" may of changed my opinion entirely. What they did by bringing in Jason Sudeikis, Jason Bateman, Will Forte and Ed Helms was beyond genius. They created a bit of pop culture by stunt casting which turned what would of been a great song into a a brilliant hit that crunched records world wide. What also turned this video into something special was the way the actors portrayed their characters. their characters were based on the members of 'Mumford and Sons'. What better way to act out the bands goofy and unorthodox nature than to hire some of the best actors and comedians the world has top offer. In regards to their unique style of music they produce, their has been few bands that could compete and emulate not only their success, but the type of music they produce. One band that is quite similar in style is that of 'The Lumineers'. The Lumineers are quite possibly the American alternative to Mumford and Sons, while adding a little bit a rock and a heavier beat into their folk songs.

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